Black Cohosh was used by Native American women to relieve pains from menstruation and childbirth. It is a good antipasmodic for all nervous conditions, cramps and pain. Along with equal parts of elecampane, wild cherry bark, and yerba sants, it is an excellent remedy for whooping cough, asthma, and bronchitis (in capsules, tincture, or syrup).
It is also used for high blood pressure and to equalize circulation. This is a very potent herb, and an over dose will produce nausea and vomiting.
Black Cohosh is often combined with blue cohosh because the herbs have complementary properties in producing an antispasmodic effect on the entire system.
40-60 tincture drops of black and blue cohosh every hour can aid in contractions during pregnacy. They however are not water soluable.
Speak with your herbalist or midwife on how these two herbs can assist you. They are excellent herbs for women.
RASPBERRY LEAF - Raspberry leaf tea is a wonderful toner for the female organs. It is used throughout pregnancy for relieving nausea as well as easing cramps and pain in childbirth. It is also used to reduce menstrual cramps and regulate the female cycle. Raspberry leaf is combined with herbs as uva ursi and squawvine to treat vaginal discharge, and yeast infection.
Also, cranberry taken regularly will aleviate chance of yeast infection.
PENNYROYAL - The leaf is used in a tea to regulate the menstrual flow and relieve cramps. It has been used to induce abortions, but serious problems have often arisen, (even death) especially when the oil is used for this purpose. Pennyroyal is also good for lung infections and fevers (driving out the heat through pores of the skin) and circulation. Since it is a strong smelling mint, it is used externally to repel insects and flies.