(October 31st)
Samhain is the time for both beginnings and endings. Samhain (sow-en) is also called Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve. This is a time for change, it is the new year celebration on the wheel and also when winter sneeks in. Samhain is a holiday brewed with positive energy and filled with hope for our planet's future. This is a time of death with the icy, cold months of Winter about to begin but it is a time to celebrate a new beginning as well. Every Samhain Eve the Morrighan, one of a triplicity of Goddesses with teh power to give birth to a new land, celebrates her ritual union with the Dagda, the "Good God," one of the highest, most distinguished Gods. The Morrighan is a Goddesss of gigantic proportions, who is straddling two sides of a river when She encounters teh Dagda eating from a cauldron along the river's edge. She possesses a complexity of abilities both good and bad, theMorrighan's role on this night is to reaffirm life in the face of Winter's hardships and struggles.
This is a good time to make any resolutions you may be thinking of. We dress up in costume as whatever we may hope for in the coming year. For example, if you want more strength and independence you may want to dress as a wolf or maybe you'll dress as a Faery Queen to ensure power and prosperity. I usually dress in something from a past life, one which I no longer recognize the qualities of in my self (whether it be an animal or other being). Whatever you wish for in the future, represent in costume on this day. If you are content with yourself at this time then no costume is needed, so go as yourself... Samhain is a wonderful night, when magick can be done to benefit our personal lives as well as the Earth.